Top Social Media Sites for Advertising

The Best Social Media Sites for Marketing (and Most Popular)

Social media platforms are no longer simply a way for teenagers to have fun or for families to go along in touch on. As social media platforms have grown in popularity and go a big office of daily socialization, they've grown their reach and accept go a major surface area of influence.

For marketers and businesses, they've go indispensable – now they've become a disquisitional part of business outreach and even eCommerce. There are many social media sites for marketing your business or products, just which ones are worth investing your time and advertisement coin?

Which social media sites are most popular? Which ones are the all-time social media sites for paid marketing and how tin can you lot take advantage of them? We've decided to rank the peak platforms to assistance requite business organisation marketers an thought on where to start.

Though it may be tempting to utilise every social media website, that endeavor can actually be a wasted effort, not to mention stressful to proceed up. You lot need to consider your budget, where your target audience spends their time online, and which platforms are worth learning to primary.

And so which paid social media is most popular for marketers? Permit'south look at some of the top social media sites for paid marketing.


Facebook app logo

Facebook is one of the most widely used social media platforms in the globe. Though the current audience on the site is shifting older than information technology used to exist, there are always users creating new accounts. It's likewise easily the nigh popular site for marketers with close to xc% of all businesses using Facebook in some way.

For this reason, a Facebook business organisation folio is crucial for whatsoever company or brand – as ane of the largest social media platform information technology offers important marketing and advertizing opportunities for all kinds of business. It also functions as a corking platform entering marketing with content that helps increase make visibility.

Facebook is a great way to engage with your audition on a daily ground, go on them upward to date on company news, promote sales, collect reviews, annunciate, and provide customer service via Facebook Messenger.

Facebook is also the site with the highest ROAS in terms of paid advertising. Compared to other similar social media sites, users are more likely to click more ads they run into in their Facebook feed, making it a highly beneficial place to invest your advert budget.

By the end of the decade Facebook was driving more than 80% of all U.S. social referrals to eCommerce sites, and its dominance means that by itself Facebook now accounts for twoscore% of almanac digital brandish ad revenue – more than even Google PPC. By sheer size and reach Facebook is the best social media site for advertising globally and is easily the virtually popular also.

It's position as a social network with vast resource of data is role of why information technology'southward so appealing to marketers. Facebook is able to admission highly-useful information nearly user interests, likes, sharing information, groups, cohorts, demographic information and more – which lets advertisers finely tune to whom their ads are being displayed.

The main types of Facebook ads include:

  • Carousel ads that feature 2 or more scrollable images or videos.
  • Single image: An advertising that is comprised of a single image and which tin announced across the Facebook online universe.
  • Single video ads that feature one video (or images turned into a video).
  • Slideshow: A looping video featuring up to 10 images.
  • Drove: A drove of items that open into a total screen mobile experience.

I of the other benefits of Facebook for paid ads is that marketers are given the pick to display advertizement types across the entirety of the Facebook network, including Facebook messenger and Instagram. With a relatively central source for ad creation this means that Facebook is widely consider the top social media platform for paid ads outside of traditional search engine PPC.


using instagram on a smart phone

Instagram is a hugely pop platform, especially among users nether 40 years-old, and it's used its popularity to try and requite businesses resources for reaching consumer audiences. It's also important to note that Instagram is part of the Facebook advertising network. Anyone who is creating ads on Facebook will have the pick to display them on Instagram as well – but its relevancy is reason plenty to list its benefits separately.

It is currently 1 of the well-nigh pop social media sites for paid advertising marketers – largely because its userbase has grown so speedily.

Recently Instagram introduced shopping tags and the power for concern accounts to link their photos direct to their website and so users can easily and quickly larn more than information about products – this makes it a top choice for paid advert marketers that exist in the eCommerce realm. Information technology as well helpful for businesses experimenting with influencer marketing. Paid media can hands be integrated into a user's feed, so your advertising won't interrupt their scrolling experience.

Instagram has many unlike types of ads that help make information technology one of the well-nigh popular social media sites for paid marketing:

  • Photograph ads: Advertisements independent inside an epitome posted to viewer feeds.
  • Video ads that can be up to 60 seconds long and that yous tin can post to target audition feeds.
  • Carousel ads that allow users to swipe through several photos or videos inside the same ad space. This allows you to show a diversity of products or services y'all offer, or a series of similar products.
  • Stories ads: Appear while users are watching their friends' stories in their feed, integrating seamlessly into the rest of the story feed.

A Hootsuite report says that 1 billion people are now using Instagram monthly, with every bit many equally 75% of U.S. based businesses using the platform for marketing. This makes Instagram an important consideration for marketers trying to find the best social media sites for marketing in full general – whether for content creation or paid ads.

What about toll? Like other paid advertising platforms, information technology depends. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are best for marketers who want highly customizable advertising campaigns. Because both sites operate on a CPC (cost-per-click) or CPM (cost-per-impression) basis, this means campaign costs volition depend on how aggressively you desire to target high value audiences.

For this reason Instagram offers higher ad engagement – making it a top social media site for ad, simply as well making it slightly more expensive than Facebook.


As a social media platform for professionals, LinkedIn is a great place for business-to-business (B2B) advertisement. LinkedIn offers many filter options and is ranked as the all-time platform for B2B lead generations, allowing marketers to connect with more qualified users.

The types of advertising on LinkedIn include:

  • Text Ads: Unproblematic ads with a headline, text, and optional images.
  • Sponsored InMail: Messages sent through LinkedIn's messaging system to potential customers.
  • Sponsored Content: An advertisement that allows you to create an advert with an article, image, link, video, or image carousel.
  • Dynamic Ads: Advertisements that highlight job openings or your business itself to encourage users to follow your company folio.

For business who needs to cater to commercial clients, brands, and business focused customers than LinkedIn is a no-brainer. Like other social media sites, 1 of its top strengths is its power to give marketers a wealth of demographic data. Because of its unique manner it's the #i all-time social media platform for atomic number 82 generation.

Its position as a platform for concern networking makes information technology the all-time social media site for business concern marketing by default. Its combination of user feed ads and sponsored InMail ads means that it is broadly similar to other social platforms (similar Facebook) but also that its potent for this detail niche of marketing.

Why is LinkedIn a summit social media site for business advertising strategy? Marketers can at present have reward of 675 million monthly users, and Sponsored InMail ads have an open-rate of 52%, meaning that a well-tuned entrada can vastly improve visibility. Information technology'south a platform that'southward ideal for business organization online marketing through networking and straight business organization relationships Plus its numbers make LinkedIn the fifth most popular social media platform of all. It also has strong performance for content impression with (15x more than job postings in fact).

LinkedIn ranks among the best for social media sites suitable to marketing especially for those looking to employ ad upkeep for precise manufacture related audiences.


Twitter logo

Twitter is an immensely popular social media network that is incredibly fast-paced. Famously known for limiting tweets to 280 characters, this is a platform where every word counts. Information technology's withal a top social media site in 2020, and one that provides an opportunity for marketers to rapidly grab their audience'southward attention and give them a link to the data they need and the products they want.

The following types of ads are offered on Twitter:

  • Promoted Tweets: Ads that await like regular tweets simply allow you to share content with users who don't follow you lot.
  • Promoted Accounts: Likewise known as a Follower Campaign, this type of ad promotes your Twitter account to encourage people to follow yous if they have shown interest in content similar to yours.
  • Promoted Trends: Ads that display at the first or 2d lots of the "Trends for you lot" section of a user's timeline and "Explore" tab.

Twitter offers opportunity for both a content presence that leads to inbound traffic, and a paid advertising presence for disruptive traffic. Since Twitter is ane of the older, larger social media sites it represents a good opportunity, but it hasn't grown into the marketing giants that Facebook and Google have. However, since 2019 Twitter'south site referral traffic has increase by 6%, pregnant that its popularity for marketers may be rising.


Using Youtube on a phone

YouTube is one of the top social media sites and is the number one video sharing platform in the earth, which makes information technology the perfect place to share video advertizement. It's the platonic site for B2B and B2C (Business organization to Consumer) companies to target their audition with the different types of video ads shown below.

  • TrueView Video Ads: Skippable advertisements that you only pay for when viewers watch or collaborate with your video.
  • TrueView In-Stream Ads: Are played earlier, during, or later on other YouTube videos.
  • TrueView Discovery Ads: These are displayed as a thumbnail and can promote your content in different locations of discovery (YouTube's mobile homepage, search results, or next to related videos).
  • Bumper Ads: Unskippable videos upward to six seconds long that play earlier, during, or subsequently a user watches a video.

Youtube represents a huge opportunity for marketers looking for multi-media advertizing formats – in fact it's inarguably ascendant in this area. For video ads Youtube is undoubtedly the best social media site – just this style of advertizing might not translate well for companies already focusing on other styles of text ads.

As much as 80% of shoppers who lookout a Youtube video related to a purchase they are planning to make merits they lookout man it in the first of their shopping process. This means that this platform represents an opportunity for catching shoppers at the beginning of the shopping funnel.


Pinterest is a discovery platform, most often utilized by users as a digital inspiration board. By creating posts on Pinterest, you create a natural link to your website where users tin acquire more virtually your products and services.

It'southward likewise growing as an opportunity for business organisation advertizing. Since terminal year Pinterest's user base has grown past over a quarter to more than 330 million making it overall 1 of the best social media sites for marketing – plus its focus could make it a special resource for eCommerce brands.

There are several types of Pinterest ads for you to utilise:

  • Promoted Pins: These announced in the home feed and search results. They look and deport like other Pins, simply they're boosted and targeted to deliver a wider achieve.
  • Promoted Carousels: Feature 2 to five images for users to swipe through. They appear wherever regular Pins can and behave the same way, but each Pin tin have its own title, description, and landing page.
  • Promoted Video Pins: Just like Promoted Pins, except the image is replaced with a video. They appear in the home feed, search results, and "more like this" sections. These are great for sensation campaigns or for telling a brand or product story.
  • Promoted App Pins: Mobile-only ads that let users download your mobile app directly from Pinterest.
  • Buyable Pins: Ads that are designed to be shoppable. These Pins allow users to notice and buy products directly from the Pin itself, which deliver quick sales to your visitor.

Figure Out Your All-time Social Media Marketing Path

As you tin can encounter, there are many options available for businesses to advertise on social media. Even if you don't determine to invest in paid advertizing immediately, information technology's highly beneficial for businesses to create social media platforms to market their products and services to potential customers. Continue in mind, information technology's often all-time to focus on a few social media sites that are most widely used by your target audition rather than endeavour to have a presence on every possible platform.

We encourage you lot to create accounts on a few and see which social media sites are best for marketing your way and that are enjoyable to utilize.

Contact us for more information about paid media marketing resources and strategies – our team tin give yous a free site consultation.

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