Alistair Dao I'd Like to Know Your Thoughts About Traveling Companions

Oh, Cullen. Your love for the Inky is sweet, hesitant, and a reminder of how much our Dragon Age characters can evolve beyond one of gaming'south best trilogies.

Varric: Look, Seeker, if you love a grapheme, you requite them hurting, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Possibly even throw in a heroic decease.
Cassandra: That makes no sense!
Varric: Yous intendance enough to argue. If she had a nice afternoon and took a nap, you'd finish reading.

Happy (Late) Valentine'due south Day!

So, I wanted to post this a few days ago. And of grade, life and work intervened. But nonetheless... amend late than never, right? Hawke would forgive me instantly. The Warden would gyre her eyes. And the Inquisitor would await at her picket.

Or so I headcanon. Only onward...

The lovely thing well-nigh pixels is, they never let yous down. If we love them, they love u.s.a.. And because we are all fabled Dragon Age fans hither, let's confront information technology, no affair who nosotros are, we've all had a perfect romantic moment with the companions nosotros dear.

So instead of a ranking of romances, which I just experience wouldn't be productive and wonderful, I'd rather provide a rundown of my personal favorite sexiest, most romantic and most poignant moments across Dragon Age, for all companions.

Hither goes!

Dragon Age: Origins

A rose by whatsoever other name but wouldn't be the rose given by Alistair to his adored Warden. It almost makes a Blighted world worth navigating...

Alistair is a lovely Prince Charming, peculiarly when he begins to face up the Blight-ridden world he'south supposed to save, and grows up. He's sweet, brave, and inconversable, and his proclamation of dearest for the Warden, giving her a rose in a world of darkness, actually moved me the first time, and always will. It's one of my favorite-ever romance moments in Dragon Historic period: He'southward young and vulnerable but he'southward non wrong to apply this one moment in a fourth dimension of tragedy and torment to declare his feelings. It's just lovely (and beautifully acted by Steve Valentine).

For me it's Alistair's most beautiful, literate and genuinely poetic moment:

Here. Await at this. Do you know what this is?

I picked information technology in Lothering. I recall thinking, 'How could something so beautiful  be in a place with so much despair and ugliness? I probably should take left information technology alone but I couldn't. The Darkspawn would come and their Taint would just destroy it. And so I've had it ever since. I idea that I might... give information technology to you, actually. In a lot of ways, I remember the same affair when I look at yous.

(Warden replies among several options)

I'grand glad you similar it. I was only thinking... here I am, doing all this lament, and yous haen't exactly been having a good time of it, yourself. You've had none of the adept experience of being a Grayness Warden since your Joining, not a word of thanks or congratulations. It's all been death, and fighting, and tragedy.

I thought maybe I could say something. Tell y'all what a rare, and wonderful thing you are to observe amidst all this... darkness.

Morrigan has literally been raised to distrust closeness, kindness, and generosity. Her romance therefore reveals a vulnerability and sweetness that is doubly charming.

For a scary swamp witch who can turn into a spider at will, Morrigan is surprisingly lovable. I adore her. I know she'southward controversial but to me she'southward a peanut-butter-tart with a soft and flossy centre.

Await. That sounded more sexual than I meant information technology. Although yes, I wanted to romance her with my female person Warden and am still non okay that I couldn't.

Morrigan's romance, withal, is genuinely lovely—she'southward tentative on emotion, forceful on passion, equally you might suspect, and yet... the emotion is ever there. Information technology means something to her. Her acknowledgement of the Warden's feelings is moving because we know it's 1 of the only times she's always done so in her life. Ever.

She seems similar one of the sweetest characters in Dragon Age, merely Leliana has a core of stone and steel to see her through the greatest crises of earth or eye. And even so, no one is braver or more faithful.

Oh, Leliana, Leliana, where do I start.

Romancing Leliana in DAO is similar admiring the grace of a beta fish and non knowing it was a shapeshifter fish. Information technology was non swirly and cute and pretty and inoffensive. It was a swordfish. Ha. But the joke's on you. It wasn't a swordfish, either: It was a shark all forth. A beautiful GORGEOUS crawly, smart, subtle shark, but... yeah.

Merely that shark however has the soft little feathery feelings of the beta fish. As it should.

The all-time part is that she is unshakably faithful: If she romanced the Warden in DAI and Trespasser, she'southward however present, faithful, and loving at that place. Information technology'south the all-time thing always.

Leliana: "Here, with y'all, knowing the freedom of the route and the doubt of tomorrow, I feel alive over again." And a bit later... "It comforts me to know that the stars will remain untouched past the Blight. That whatever happens down hither, they will polish eternally, their light undimmed."

Leliana is a combination of sweetness, softness, and steel. Leliana is astonishing.

He'south the rogue with the tongue of velvet and the middle of silk. Zevran is well worth romancing, and he's one of the funniest and most moving characters across the trilogy.

I beloved Zev. Because his romance isn't "Yay! Nosotros're in dear! Permit's accept sexual activity!" and more, "Yay! We've had sex! Now we navigate the minefield of... feelings?!"

Ahem. Simply you get it.

Like Balderdash, Zevran makes sex simple and but the emotions that follow anything complex or challenging. For him, they are a series of puzzles, a goose egg. A production of incredible corruption thank you to an upbringing among brothels and assassins (wait, who does this remind you of?), poor Zev came through with his joy and sensuality intact. After a recent devastating loss of both life and faith, he has decided to kill himself, and it's only the Warden'southward mercy that spares him (or not).

And and so there nosotros are, with a wonderful grapheme who thinks nothing of sex and who guards his own secrets like gold. Beautifully and humorously voiced by the talented Jon Back-scratch, Zev is a grapheme to admire or to kill and discard as too dangerous to live. Me, I've never ever been able to impale him or send him away.

And it's fitting for such a textured, rich character that one of his most devastating moments is when he'due south absolutely stone-common cold serious and his heart is breaking:

"By your side I would willingly storm the gates of the Dark City itself."

Dragon Age II

Merrill cannot detect her style around her own alienage even after years of residence, merely she knows her own center, and she's wiser than she seems.

Secrets of Dragon Age blogging: Expect. I love Merrill. I love her similar I love relatives. Pets. Because (cringeworthy admission): She is the most similar me. Of whatever DA character, she's who I understand, who I love, who I know. I have to respect and adore someone who can empathize and parse complex magic and metaphysics while also finding herself lost in a simple neighborhood setting. BINGO. I get this.

And I recollect she's vastly underestimated. She's a goofball but she'due south besides wise, and brave, and clear-eyed. (I'thousand not saying I am any of those things: But she is undoubtedly smart and nevertheless in life, she is often... not. And I identify with that.)

But here's my favorite example of her feelings for a romanced Hawke, considering they bear witness that picayune thread of metal at her cadre, and as always information technology'due south a gorgeously voiced scene past Merrill'south voice actor Eve Myles. Merrill is darling, but she does non mess effectually:

Aveline: I didn't expect yous to stick around for this mess Merrill. This has nothing to exercise with your elves.
Merrill: I love Hawke, I wouldn't go anywhere.
Aveline: Just it's not your fight.
Merrill: I beloved Hawke.
Aveline: You lot said that.
Merrill: I say it a lot. It makes things clearer, takes away doubt when everything is crazy and people are dying.
Aveline: I sympathize.
Merrill: Oh, good. Someone should.

That'south Merrill for you. Funny when you lot await her to break your heart. And heartbreaking simply when you lot expect her to make y'all laugh.

Sexy, confident and circuitous, Isabela's suffered much. And she'south softer at heart than she seems.

I loved Isabela's romance. Information technology's surprising, funny, sexy, and warm. Information technology's likewise complex and it ofttimes zigs just when we think information technology volition zag.

Isabela isn't always an easy character to dear. She'southward tough, tenacious, pragmatic, and a pretty challenging, frightening life that included enslavement, rape, forced marriage, servitude, and imprisonment has taught her to be all right with cold, fifty-fifty draconian choices. (Evidenced past her behavior over the Tome of Koslun throughout Dragon Historic period Two.)

Only there's more than to Isabela, and she often shows united states existent amuse and sweetness below the tough swaggering crewman-helm. She puts up with Aveline's abiding yelps of "Whore!" and notwithstanding sees beneath the warrior's puritanical knee-wiggle reactions to the slightly scared, socially uncomfortable woman beneath.

Equally Izzy's terrific voice actor, Victoria Kruger's voice is rich and gorgeous, and it provides Isabela with something that externalizes who she is at her core—her generosity and warmth. Equally when she looks out for Merrill and calls her "Kitten." There's something to Isabela that's fine and pure, when she allows herself to be vulnerable.

My favorite moment for Isabela'due south romance is the very start 1, when she shows upwardly at Hawke's door for a fiddling quality time. Since I was playing this with my FemHawke, I had no idea Izzy was, er, propositioning my girl for a footling sex, and I was stupid plenty to become, "Sure! Let's have girly time!" I was picturing more than mani-pedis, only was also sort of delighted, nevertheless, that she was proposing something entirely different. My Hawke'southward reaction: Well, all righty, and so! (Mani-pedis are, after all, overrated.)

Needless to say, the next scene, of Izabela and my Hawke happily making out while tossing off a dozen daggers apiece, remains one of the funniest, sexiest scenes in Dragon Age for me. I've seen information technology with a male Hawke too, but somehow information technology'south better and funnier with the ii women. Maybe because it's just so empowered, and then potent, and so freaking funny.

I know many, many fans will disagree with me, simply for me, Anders deserves every tiny little moment of happiness he can get. And somebody withal needs to go find Ser Pouncealot. (Talk to the mitt.)

Oh, Anders. The angst! The drama! The italicized proclamations!

Here'due south the deal: I honey Anders. I know he's over the top. Just I know how much he's been through. I know what he'southward suffered. I know he's spent his entire life running from people trying to isolate and control him.

So the fact that he's able to however feel and then much in Dragon Age II, to be so passionate, is kind of a miracle to me. Allow'due south not forget that our primeval outing for him literally involves our mercy-killing the commencement person he always loved romantically.

Then I love Anders's romance, with all its dramatic proclamations, doomed portents, and breathless kisses. His romance is ane of my favorites beyond Dragon Age, and always volition be.

I know people favor the dramatic "drown us in blood" quote, just the one that e'er gets me with Anders is quieter, and it broke my heart into fiddling slivers:

"No mage I know has ever dared to fall in love... This is the rule I volition most cherish breaking."

This. This is everything that'due south incorrect with the mage/templar system. And information technology'south doubly tragic given Anders'south choices in this story path. Only it will always move me.

Hey, if they took abroad his damn true cat (don't get me started on Ser Pouncealot's fate!), the least Anders deserves is a nighttime with the person he loves.

Driveling, enslaved, and traumatized, the cute Fenris is a terrifying warrior who's able to achieve correct in and catch your center. Both literally and metaphorically.

"That night... I call up your touch every bit if it were yesterday. I should have asked your forgiveness long agone. I promise you tin forgive me now."

Oh, Fenris. Such a tease.

I mean, I sympathize. And I know he has good reason—and isn't fifty-fifty always aware of how or why. Equally with Solas, he's shut then not-close; near then far—not because he'due south consciously being a wiggle, but because of the incredible trauma he's navigating.

And nobody has more than trauma than poor Fenris, who has endured impossible sufferings in captivity, enslavement, rape, and further trauma, and all of it has—tragically and predictably—left him with a wellspring of existent damage, sadness, hatred, vengeance, and suspicion.

He shares a dark with Hawke, but he's then instantly conflicted equally hidden memories surface, and he'southward undone by the vulnerability of existent love and sex. While poor Hawke is devastated, Fenris's return is lovely and truly romantic:

"Nothing could exist worse than the thought of living without you," he says. He goes on to say, poignantly, "If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side."


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cassandra is a strong woman and superb warrior, merely she's just equally susceptible as any of us to a sweet moment of poesy. And that's a very, very good thing.


In a grove but exterior of Skyhold, the Inquisitor calls to Cass with a line of lit candles through the trees, with poetry to bring her into the space.

He declaims the poem, "Carmenum di Amatus" and she teases him about information technology then quotes from it on her own lips:

His lips on mine speak words not voiced, a prayer.
Which travels down my spine like flames that shatter night.
His eyes reverberate the sky's stars, the Maker's light
My trunk opens, filled and blessed, my spirit there.

And the moment when the Inquisitor circles effectually behind Cass to bring together in on the poetic moment she finishes those final lines, his breath on her neck, her face up inches from his. It's just so lovely and fragile, and everything our romance-loving Cass could wish.

"Not merely housed in flesh," he says. "But brought to life."

It's pretty sexy. It's even amend that Cassandra'southward romance-loving heart of course adores every single minute.

What happens when sex turns to something more than? Iron Bull'southward romance explores this conundrum with humor, edge and charm (and a surprising corporeality of poignance).

Atomic number 26 Balderdash

It's a challenge to option a romantic moment from the guy who shows NO RESPONSE AT ALL when we flirt with him, hopelessly, over and over and over again. Who views sex every bit a purely concrete thing, a release and then smash, done.

Until he begins to recollect there might be more.

That's a human relationship with the Fe Balderdash. For me, despite many romantic moments with our challenging and edgy Hissrad across the relationship, the ane moment that stays with me as the loveliest and heart-meltiest, is during the postcoital "watchword" discussion scene.

And hither, for me, the final wonderfulness is a tie, when we can either tell Bull nosotros love him (and Bull, acted beautifully by Freddie Prinze Jr., responds poignantly with a soft, "I love you too," or we can tell him we fright the consequence and that we may not make it through, and for the first and only time, Balderdash breaks down.

He actually breaks, and responds softly, with "Katoh. I can't..." And that'south the moment, you guys. It absolutely kills me. Kudos to Patrick, Freddie, and BioWare considering I cry every unmarried time I've seen information technology.

NOTE: And of course, I'k talking Tal-Vashoth Bull for maximum romance. Because, exercise not even start me on the culling. Nope. We're not going there. KREM LIVES, you bastards!

Cullen'south romance is sweet and unexpectedly moving, but it's his organized religion that adds a nuance of pathos and real emotion.

DAI's pensive Templar is 1 of my favorite characters across the trilogy, non least considering he has a circuitous path through youth and into redemption and self-credence.

When I first played DAI, I remember assuming Cullen was mid- to late-thirties, just one of those ridiculous men who become more and more handsome every bit time passes. Except when fleeing our Warden's flirtations in DAO, he always seems like a guy who knows who he is, and who is certain of his own feelings.

Simply y'all. The reality is so much sadder.

The reality is actually more tragic to me—Cullen's a teenager in DAO, and in DA II he's just a traumatized guy in his twenties who really needed a vacation only who was instead sent to the worst possible place in the world for his side by side assignment: Kirkwall, where every bad stance of mages he'd formed was confirmed. Where every corner contained a magical conspiracy.

Although barely thirty, the Cullen of DAI knows better. He has finally realized how incorrect he was, how corruptible even the all-time people are, and he has gone from conviction in his ain infallibility to fear of causing harm for anyone under his watch: Mage, Templar, elf, qunari, human, dwarf, or otherwise.

Which is why, for me, Cullen's romance is sweet, hesitant, and sensitive. It's sexy just also realistic; there'due south the sense of real people dancing hesitantly toward each other hither. He's someone quondam before his time; he'southward tired, self-doubting, and disillusioned. Then the romance brings him back to himself in some lovely ways, while also reminding him of the importance of abandoning quondam hypocrisies and bigotries when it comes to mages or other races.

The most moving scene in Cullen's romance for me is the final ane, when he desperately embraces a romanced Inquisitor in the chapel, both certain of his religion and fearful of her future.

Josie wants love, but she gives u.s.a. the sense that she's not exactly seeking it out or expecting information technology. She'south non chasing the physical, and is a fantastic ace pick for Dragon Age: Inquisition protagonists.

If you want an innocent romance, especially one with lovely, gently ace overtones, Josie'south is the perfect option for y'all, and it's a wonderful example of how different Josephine can be in her ain placidity manner.

Every bit our resident Disney Princess, Josie seems like a typical privileged histrion of the Nifty Game, merely she's and so much more than. She's quieter and gentler than Leliana, and still haunted by the ane expiry that e'er resulted at her own hands.

Josie wants beloved, but she gives the states the sense that she'southward not exactly seeking it out or expecting it. She's not a physically outgoing person or after sensual pleasures. She's surprised and hesitant when flirted with, and disarmingly lovely simply for a few fairytale-worthy time-outs with the Inquisitor.

The culimination of Josie's romance is a dashing duel for her centre with the arranged suitor who volition steal her mitt in matrimony, and my favorite moment of the entire situation is when Josie storms in, in a fit of atmosphere, and tells everyone to calm down and control themselves. When the Inquisitor declares honey, Josie is surprised and outright disbelieving:

Josephine: Why risk everything nosotros've built? Why risk your life?
Inquisitor: Considering I love you!
Josephine: You lot... yous practise?
Rival (all-time moment ever): He does?!
Inquisitor: I practice.

And then the delighted kiss at the end, complete with leg-popular. It'southward the all-time possible fairytale ending you could ask for.

Blackwall believes he is doomed and does not deserve love. Of form, this makes him irresistible.

I always dearest the characters who are and then starved for dear, for acknowledgement and redemption, and Blackwall'south romance is deliciously malaise-ridden, and oddly sweet. At every turn, he's blatant in his adoration of the Inquisitor and that he doesn't deserve her dear.

Blackwall's the romantic Knight-Errant ideal personified, the man with the tragic past who feels he cannot deserve his maiden, who cannot face up his by deportment. It makes his yearning for Josie sweetness and lamentable, and his feelings for a romanced Inquisitor actually quietly lovely.

So for me, my favorite romantic scene for him isn't the love scene (DUDES, he left me in a HAYLOFT. NAKED. NOPE.). Information technology's when (earlier) he shyly shows up to the Inquisitor's quarters, and can't help but declare his feelings, and the osculation there. And of grade he tells her she shouldn't love him, he shouldn't exist there, and shouldn't kiss her.

That moment made me actively root for him and his redemption. And of form as well fabricated me dear him more. Basically, every single time a pixellated graphic symbol says, "Don't love me," I But Honey THEM More than.

It'southward human being nature. And BioWare knows us all also well.

Dorian would meet vistas into his ain arms to romance himself. Wouldn't we all?

Okay, I'yard biased hither, considering I love the "surprise kiss" more than life itself as a trope, and I am loud and proud, right here, with it.

And Dorian'southward soft, surprising kiss to a romanced male Inquisitor, before long after the revelations almost his family and struggles, is and so personal, then sweet and intimate and surprising, that I'm... y'all... information technology's only gorgeous. It'southward soft and sexy and prolonged merely the correct amount.

The scene is also genuinely emotional, following Dorian's soft, lamentable account of his relationship with his father. The moment begins with him at the window at Skyhold, lite falling on his impeccable profile, the Tevinter haircut more distinct here than anywhere else -- the shaved high sideburns, the dark curls of hair above. It's well-nigh priestly in appearance.

So he tells us about his father'due south shame over his choices. And then the poor guy has to immediately confront Mother Giselle'due south innuendos about his human relationship with the Inquisitor. Which, thank goodness, we can either allay or confirm (in all the all-time ways).

Inquisitor: Exercise you always answer a question with a question?
Dorian: Would you lot similar me to respond in some other fashion?
Inquisitor: If you're capable.

Dorian rushes in, and... sigh. SHOOT ME, I'thousand non made of stone, people.

Sera's romance is sexy, exuberant, funny, combative and charming. Just don't go too 'elfy' and you'll be fine.

My poor darling Sera gets a bad rap. She'due south called out all the fourth dimension for being rude, biased, or mean, and to me she'southward just tough and traumatized and trying to protect her niggling sweetness taffy-soft heart.

Sera's romance is tough if you're an elfy-elf, and those are often what I've tended to play. But once you get past her flinty and protective outside, she'due south soft and sweet and just equally ambrosial every bit you might expect.

Sera's romance is exuberant, funny, antagonistic and charming. She knows her own mind, she loves women, she's decisive and fierce, and it'due south all-time if you're an Adaar and worst if you're a mage-friendly elfy-elf (please don't do it, just don't).

Yep, she'southward intimidating (surprisingly so). But I love how smooth she is—for me, she'south right up there with Solas equally ane of the smoothest companions when it comes to flirts. She openly calls our female Inky as pretty and shows simply amusement at early flirtation attempts.

Sera has a large moment mid-romance that'due south one of my favorite speeches across the trilogy. It's simply so characteristic and existent:

You don't human activity like nobles. I love that.
You don't hibernate. I love that.
(Varied) You don't like cookies. Convenient. Honey that.
(Adaar) And just... look at you. Just... love that.
Just seeing this really hurts. I'm fighting to make things better and learn truth and shit, and information technology just keeps getting scarier.

And when she chosen my Adaar "honey-tongue," um, it's really, really sexy. And I honey her love scenes and how playful they are.

Solas's romance is loftier romance in the grandest Shakespearan tradition, where the best matches yearn hopelessly from afar, where sex occurs just rarely or but before decease, and where outcomes usually finish with "and with a kiss, I die." And I wouldn't have it any other fashion. Even every bit I tremble at the prospect of DA4 and what information technology volition practise to my poor center.

Oh, he loves usa. Yet he hides a terrible, tragic underground. Has there been whatever formula more than deadly or more irresistible since time immemorial?

No. Nope. No, there hasn't. Just ask the thousands of happily weeping Solasmancers out in that location.

Solas's romance is high romance in the grandest Shakespearan tradition, where the best matches yearn hopelessly from afar, where sex occurs but rarely or just before decease, and where outcomes usually finish with "and with a kiss, I die."

I know it will shock blog readers (I KNOW!) but I dearest almost all of Solas's scenes, particularly the romantic ones, but for me the biggest romantic zinger will always be the Fade Osculation.

I love all the other Solas Kisses (and it's a loftier bar, because, people, as a fictional grapheme, it is highly apparent that the dude knows how to kiss), but there's something new and surprised in that location that e'er withal gets me every fourth dimension. I honey all the others (I DO), but there, he's settled into the lie, he knows how to live there, sort of—but the Fade Kiss is the one discombobulated moment where Solas is literally going "HOLY CRAP, OKAY FINE, KISS ME YOU GORGEOUS THING."

Then I do. And that'due south my favorite moment. Non just the kiss—merely the kiss when he dives dorsum in and goes for it.

Nosotros should all want that, correct? The lover for whom one kiss is non enough. Solas may fight against this very thing, merely let'southward face it... he doesn't fight that fricking hard, right? Non at first at least. Not for many many months. Until the endgame (and goodbye) looms and he faces the hardest choice of all.

Merely that's fantasy.

Equally far every bit reality, I'll wish you Fade romances, today and every mean solar day. Whether real or pixellated, I promise you lot romance a mage, a warrior, a rogue, a misfit, a lover, and become the love you deserve. And all the all-time kisses and cookies in the world.

And my work here is done.

Happy Valentine'southward Day and beyond, y'all beautiful creatures! Thanks as always for reading!

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