How Social Media Is Ruining the Country

How Social Media is Destroying Society

Our Nation Has Been Torn Apart

Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other social media platforms have proven themselves capable of minting money. Both of the companies' original CEO's are worth over a billion dollars. While social media platforms have built coin making machines using their users' data, the machines take as well torn our nation autonomously. Conspiracy theories, faux news, and malicious trolling have polarized populations across the globe. Every bit the world suffers through a pandemic, protests, and financial low, social media has only aggravated the dire situation. In this mail service, I describe how social media is destroying society.

Profits At All Costs

"Spider web ii.0" companies develop user profiles based on the many social media interactions their users appoint in. Every post, similar, and retweet I perform is stored in my user profile. User profiles enable Web 2.0 companies to serve their users targeted advertisements, or advertisements specific to their users' unique interests. Simply put, social media platforms display advertisements to users virtually likely to click on them. These targeted advertisements result in high conversion rates, making advertisers happy.

Unfortunately, the above business organisation model has implications far beyond concern financials. Past enabling users to create content feeds restricted to their own viewpoints, users are insulated from perspectives that differ from their own. Sometimes, they may even be insulated from the truth. That said, users want their beliefs to exist reaffirmed and even radicalized. They latch on to fake news and rabidly defend information technology. Conspicuously, what's expert for business is bad for our nation. Adding fuel to the burn, our global competitors realize the US is splintering. They're homing in on the splinters and opening them upward further.

Malicious Actors Sowing Divisions

Let'due south rewind the clock back to 2016. As the date of the United states presidential election grew almost, the candidates campaigned aggressively across the nation. Surprisingly enough, the nearly effective campaigners lay outside the US. On the other side of the globe, Russia built up an operation of social media posters capable of creating viral content favorable of Donald Trump. Much of this viral content contained misleading information or was birthday untrue. We're approaching the next election and this practice hasn't come to an cease.

Malicious actors continue to feed lies to social media users eager to consume them. While protests over the roughshod killing of George Floyd continue, warnings of mobilizing Antifa militants have surfaced on Facebook. Heeding the warnings, local militiamen assembled to encounter the Antifa militants with force. Anti-climatically, the militiamen never encountered the Antifa militants. In fact, there were no Antifa militants. Malicious actors sounded imitation alarms about the phantom fringe grouping on social media. Their intention was to widen our lodge's already yawning fractures. Mission accomplished.

Hate Spoken language Protected every bit Costless Spoken language

The leaders of the Spider web 2.0 companies have amassed more power than they may have always predictable wielding. Their user bases exceed the sizes of the earth'due south largest nations. Similar all community leaders, Spider web 2.0 CEO'southward are tasked with governing those in their community. Unfortunately for the communities, the CEO's accept failed in their responsibilities. Detest speech is more ofttimes actualization on users' social media feeds. Rather than accepting accountability, Web 2.0 visitor leaders are protecting hate oral communication as gratuitous speech by arguing their platforms don't create media. They simply distribute media. Never heed the fact that facebook posts and tweets are often ways in which news is broken. The poorly justified protection of detest speech is just another manner how social media is destroying society.

We Now Know How Social Media is Destroying Gild. What Can Nosotros Do?

Disorder sowed past social media has clearly failed to stay confined to the web platforms. Social media is a cancer metastasizing across the earth, proving far more dangerous than the coronavirus pandemic. The only way to end the cancer from killing united states of america is to kill it starting time. Social media companies, at a minimum, need to exist further regulated. Politicians need to ensure the platforms are held accountable for the lies and hatred they propagate. Mark Zuckerberg wiped the floor with The states political leaders. Our elected officials failed to comprehend even the bones ways in which social media companies make money. We need to elect officials who sympathise the extent of the trouble created past Spider web two.0. It volition then be their responsibility to address information technology.

If I had information technology my way, I'd put an cease to social media altogether. The concern model failed. The failure is in plough causing the failure of our civil soapbox. If we take any promise of recovering from such a nighttime period in our history, we'll need to solve our social media problem. Letting the problem continue to fester will guarantee our demise.

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