Site to Get Social Media Analytics Free

21 Free Social Media Analytics and Comparison Tools for Marketers

With the right social media analytics and comparison tools, even the smallest of businesses can compete for share of voice against the mightiest of global brands. Social media data offers all kinds of insight – you just demand to exist ready to capture it before your competitors do! Innovative disruptors continue to emerge, and getting to the pinnacle of your industry doesn't guarantee y'all'll stay there. These tools will assist.

Getting to know your potential consumers is incredibly of import – and it's a process that must be fast, precise, and ongoing. As savvy marketers from leading businesses will tell you –  it tin can simply be achieved with the help of social media data intel aggregated, analyzed and consistently monitored by robust spider web and social analytics tools. And first, some considerations . . .


But which social marketing analytics tools are "right?" If your budget allows, best-in-class AI-supported analytics are the goal. And if your upkeep isn't comparable to the global goliaths out there, there are web and social media analytics platforms for every budget, every goal, every level of expertise. Information technology also depends on the social media information you're wanting to analyze too. A full suite of services is optimal, of class, but maybe you just want to look at tweets to beginning out? It'due south better to start somewhere instead of nowhere! To brand things easier for brands new to spider web and social analytics, we accept compiled a comprehensive listing of social media analytics tools that meet you where you lot are. We've also included web and social analytics comparing tools to grow into – when your early analytics help you succeed enough to invest a little more and take your business concern further – and capture a more complete social media data picture. Earlier you review the listing, nosotros wanted to take a moment to define "what is social media analytics," in case you're a lilliputian green. (Experts, feel free to skip directly to the social media analytics tools section.) And we also wanted to provide guidance around selecting the right web and social media analytics company for your brand.


At NetBase Quid, we define social media analytics as gathering not only social media information from social channels, simply other web-broad data every bit well – from both structured and unstructured sources.  The online content that forms the large pic to guide business decisions. It takes many forms, but is always about gaining actionable social insights – the intel you demand to guide your business organisation strategy. Though exploring 'what social media analytics is' tin can get rather complex, at its core are 3 stages:

  1. Identify primary concern goals.

Whether information technology's growing traffic, increasing downloads, or building positive brand perception, setting clear business objectives gives your web and social analytics investigation purpose.

  1. Determine social key performance indicators (KPIs).

What metrics indicate success or failure? They will differ co-ordinate to your goals, but may include:

  • Engagement– specifically, a comparison of owned, earned, and paid media
  • Sentiment– how audiences feel about your brand, your products, and your category
  • Conversion– how social strategies impact sales and revenue.

And any other KPIs that marshal with your business concern objectives.

  1. Measure & Analyze Social Data.

Once you lot know what matters and why, it'southward time to clarify the actual information. By applying one of the analytics tools below, y'all can assess the country of your business and make informed adjustments as needed.


At that place are so many things brands can do with web and social analytics comparison tools, including:

  • Provide exceptional client care to current and prospective customers and lower associated costs
  • Detect new customer segments that would've remained hidden otherwise
  • Place unmet consumer needs ahead of competitors
  • Respond in real-time to a crisis, before information technology spins out of command
  • Track trends in your category and related to your brand specifically
  • Uncover new product and/or service ideas to pursue
  • Capture customer feel information to inform your next move and enhance acquisition
  • Boost campaign performance with create and engaging ideas
  • Identify competitor challenges and win their dissatisfied customers' concern
  • Monitor brand health and head off any trouble
  • See all brand mentions in context, including logos and photos that may not mention your name
  • Understand every bit of online information as it relates to a brand, including imagery, emojis, sarcasm and slang
  • Place influencers and brand ambassadors to partner with and enhance brand awareness
  • Measure any campaign, thought, and/or influencer effectiveness to tweak efforts equally needed
  • Capture structured and unstructured information in easy to read/navigate reporting dashboards
  • Communicate the ROI of social to fundamental stakeholders
  • Then much more than

Only how well you execute all of this is entirely dependent on the social media analytics tool you're using to ability your efforts, and whether or not information technology is using best-in-form Adjacent Generation AI to ability its technology!


Much like there's an art to understanding which sort of tool is all-time suited for your make at this betoken in time, the aforementioned considerations use to selecting the correct social media analytics company to partner with. The options there are as varied as the analytics tools themselves! There are four key areas you lot'll desire to explore to guide your decision: Customer care – how responsive are product specialists to customers? This can feel similar a tough 1 to get an accurate read on, equally it'due south easy to assume that potential customers are given quicker attending than existing. Watching a few customer testimonials, reading reviews and request for current customer referrals will give y'all a sense of things. If specialists are consistently receptive to concerns, that fact will shine through. And information technology will also be apparent if they're not! Ease of utilize – During your product demo, ask to take the bicycle and try it out yourself. Are the options intuitive, or adequately clear after a bit of explanation? What materials are available to assist you overcome the learning curve? And how difficult is it to integrate with existing tools/information sources? Information transparency – Where is the data coming from? How granularly are y'all able to explore? Does what yous're seeing make sense and provide actionable insight? Being able to back-up a sound bite with sentiment analysis that makes sense is very important. Speed of algorithm/API adaptation – How chop-chop tin each social media analytics company pivot to update their analytics tool to keep pace with API changes and such? Ask about the last Instagram API update and how that went for clients. And why. Product updates – How frequently does the social media analytics company update its offerings? Are they setting the pace for other social media analytics companies and pushing out new updates every couple weeks, or are they struggling to stay relevant? That matters – a lot.


Without further ado, we present our list of social media analytics tools. Please jump to your preferred section with the links below or offset scrolling through the unabridged list:

  • Comprehensive Social Media Analytics Tool

  • 6 Built-in Social Media & Analytics Dashboards

  • Free Tool Comparing Resource

  • 8 Free Social Media Analytics Tools

  • 7 Free Trials of Social Media Analytics Tools

Comprehensive Social Media Analytics Tool

Commencement, a word about free analytics tools. A gratuitous analytics tool can get you a lot – but information technology's typically very narrow in telescopic. You lot'll find huge gaps when comparing free analytics tools and with comprehensive spider web and social media analytics tools. And most, if not all, of the free analytics tool platforms beneath offer even more when you lot upgrade to a paid plan. Even and then, nevertheless, they don't all take the cut-edge advantages of comprehensive analytics tools that are meant to grow with the manufacture. Things like Adjacent Generation AI, which levels up analytics tool features like advanced image analytics, automated theme discovery – and more than. What's more than, many of these free or lower-toll analytic tools don't permit yous to integrate with non-social data sources – which are only equally important to agreement how your audience perceives your brand. Although social media data is of import, it doesn't provide the total picture. So, analytics tools that capture structured and unstructured data source are the analytics tools you lot want to invest in as soon as you're able. Before yous immediately think cheaper is the way to become, consider whether y'all have the budget for something with a lilliputian more "oomph." If so, the following analytics tools fit the nib – and still have either free trial periods, or 1-on-one demos bachelor, so you can try earlier yous buy. And always keep the long-term ROI in mind as you brand your decisions likewise!


NetBase Quid for next generation consumer and market intelligence Netbase Quid is the next generation consumer and market place intelligence platform. Information technology uncovers contextual insights across all forms of structured and unstructured information that enables customers to make smarter, data driven decisions chop-chop and efficiently.

  • Customers can distinguish between critical and non-essential business bug
  • Faster, more accurate and actionable than other tools in the space, with real-fourth dimension, transparent results delivered across billions of indexed resources

Netbase Quid consumer and market intelligence With a focus on consumer sentiment – the driving strength behind all social posting – NetBase Quid is a cut above most other media intelligence offerings. The focus here is on CX, which is where all congenital-to-terminal businesses are headed. Information technology helps customers solve critical business concern needs, including:

  • Make health and perception
  • Campaign strategy and execution
  • Cultural and marketplace trends
  • Product innovation and inquiry
  • Competitive and market intelligence
  • Key opinion leader identification and influencer marketing
  • Strategic risk and M&A analysis

The visitor's focus on innovation keeps them nimble when things like Instagram's API changes ripple through the analytics industry. And the release of its first-to-market AI Studio offers automatic theme discovery, the first auto-discovery insights solution in the social media analytics market place. Information technology's pretty amazing. NetBase Quid delivers market place leading AI enabled engineering that reveals what matters nearly across billions of social media posts or across millions of text documents. Price: Nosotros have several options to suit your needs and budget – enquire usa ! And now for the built-ins . . .

6 Built-in Social Media & Analytics Dashboards

The elevation social networks offer analytics broiled in. If your social presence is limited to these avenues, the free analytics tools they provide are an excellent starting point toward understanding your audience.


Facebook analytics At that place'due south a lot on offer here, including a wait at organic versus paid achieve and engagement, which helps yous make up one's mind whether spending on ads is worthwhile. Await back as far as 28 days, and export data to compare over fourth dimension. Review page views, previews, and actions taken, and run into age, gender, and geographic demographics of your audience. You can even do some competitive intelligence using Pages to Watch, which lets yous see which posts are succeeding for your competitors. After all, if it's working for them… The biggest downside is the lack of sentiment analysis – which is what tells y'allwhy your audition is invested in your make and content. But if yous're just looking for a social media and analytics comparison tool, that tells you lot when this specific audience is virtually active and engaged with your data. 2. Twitter Analytics Twitter Analytics Twitter's born analytics tell you a lot about which tweets are succeeding and to what degree – even if they don't tell you why. An audience tab displays a breakdown past gender, and also by interests. Information technology also lets you compare confronting a comparison audition – like "all of Twitter." The events tab clues you into which current events – similar Valentine'due south Day, Coachella, and the Met Gala – have anybody abuzz. Video view insights and conversion tracking are great analytic additions to this social media channel. Missing is the ability to target private audience segments with messaging but for them. But you at least have an idea of where to aim to please the bulk of your audience.


Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest business accounts – which you lot tin easily switch to – come with access to Pinterest Social Media Analytics. Its analytics measure the traffic your site gets, as well equally traffic from other channels, the content people relieve from your social channels, and audience insights. These reveal key social analytics intel virtually your followers, including demographics and topics that interest them. And you can compare your audience against the overall Pinterest audience to see where they autumn. Sentiment is, one time again, lacking – equally it often is with costless social media analytics tools – but for this specific channel you tin can acquire enough with the analytics on offer.


Instagram Analytics As with Pinterest, you need to convert your profile to a free business concern or creator profile before you can use Instagram Insights. One time y'all do, you lot accept admission to a host of social analytics data that is e'er evolving, including: Activeness, Content and Audience insights – like interactions (contour visits and website clicks), discovery (reach and impressions), postal service, Story, and promotion analytics, and location, age, and gender info for your followers. And you can also see which days and times they are most active on Instagram. Missing is the primal social marketing analytics capability to analyze images for sentiment, logos, location, etc.


Youtube Analytics Videos are ane of the most engaging and social analytics rich types of social content out in that location, so it's corking that YouTube now offers analytics of their ain. Grow your channel and maximize revenue with social analytics on earnings, engagement, and traffic sources with filters for sorting by content, geography, and engagement to see if a video is popular in a certain location, or over a specific engagement range. Earnings reports let yous rails earnings and total views, as well as which advertizement formats were most successful for driving revenue. Audience memory reports shows y'all how style, length, and promotion efforts bear upon your videos. Pro tip: Use Average Watch Time data every bit a guide for forepart-loading primal information in your videos. vi. LINKEDIN ANALYTICS LinkedIn Analytics LinkedIn offers distinct, and basic analytics about visitors, page updates and followers. On the Visitor view, brands see folio views from desktop or mobile, or combined. Every bit well as Visitor demographics that circumduct around chore functions. The Updates view shows post impressions and a listing of previous posts ripe for creating an advertising around (they're all listed, information technology doesn't show y'all meridian contenders for your ad spend). And then Followers shows you lot the change in follower count, where in the world they're from and gives a super handy list of companies you may want to consider reaching out to, as they're watching you!


Built-in analytics are great, but not every social platform offers them – annotation the absence of Tumblr, for example. What happens if that'south the channel where your audience is virtually agile? And what happens if your brand is active on several social channels? Then born analytics make even less sense to use. It takes too much time and effort to manually compare data from multiple channels to understand what's happening with your brand beyond the web. Luckily at that place are also free/low-toll web and social media analytics comparison tools that span multiple platforms, or offer deeper insights – or both. Here's a Free Tool Comparison Resources ahead of the tools themselves to get you started. This can offer a solid starting betoken:


HowSociable Platform HowSociable seeks to be "your trusted resource for undecayed reviews and social media analytics tutorials. It shares reviews, guides and how to'southward of the most successful tools, software and apps to reach your target audition. It too offers training courses, certifications, and conferences that will increase your influence online, along with insider tips on improving content, building a following and creating a consistent brand." Toll: Costless insight, but need to pay for courses and such And now for those eight Complimentary Social Media Analytics Tools


Hootsuite Scheduling Hootsuite is a social media management and scheduling tool. It helps teams work together when it comes to keeping social postings organized and moving forward. Beyond its free offer, it also has plans for individuals, SMBs and the enterprise. With sentiment-driven insights, conversation maps, customizable dashboards, and reports, it's a solid choice for brands who need a identify to get-go and a play to grow when they can beget more than. Price: Reach out for a custom quote


Boardreader Chart Graph Boardreader uses search bar simplicity to put you in touch with reviews and forum posts – which are an oft-forgotten office of social media analytics data. Encounter consumer posts or threads within the past day, or as far back as a yr. Advanced search features allow you lot filter results to get a better sense of things. The "Trendy" graphs allow y'all compare conversation volume against other brands – though you won't know what is actually being said, or whether it'south good or bad. Withal, information technology's a starting betoken that could work with other free web and social analytics tools. Price: Costless


FollowerWong Follower Stats If your demand for social information is express to Twitter, you can connect a single profile with Followerwonk for free and rails and sort your followers to see how many new followers you've gained, and how many followers you've lost over the by twenty-four hours to 120 days. This is great social analytics data to take, simply can be distracting from more worthwhile pursuits. Search competitor handles for insights on their followers or choose 3 handles to compare users they follow, ortheir followers. You can as well search Twitter profiles, every bit well as search bios for keywords – which is a cracking way to gather insights near how certain audition segments see themselves You get more than if yous subscribe, just if you need somewhere to kickoff, this is blank bones and simple. It offers a solid social media analytics starting bespeak. Price: Subscriptions start at $29/month, billed annually


Squarelovin Instagram Analytics Instagram is a hugely important social media channel – for almost all brands – then it'south no surprise there are and then many Instagram-axial social analytics tools out at that place right at present. Squarelovin has its social media analytics metrics on offer, including recent posts and growth, monthly analyses, history of your posts by year, calendar month, day, and hour. Insights on communities' preferences and interests, what drives engagement, and best/worst post times are also on offer, as well every bit best filters and hashtags, and ways to optimize your account. Price: Outset for gratuitous, then reach out to Squarelovin for a demo and upgrade

five. SUMALL

Sumall Social Media Analytics

SumAll is a social media analytics platform that lets you connect a number of social accounts like Facebook, Twitter and more. You can automate actions like sending thank you tweets to all who've retweeted your content, or automatically appoint with your audience on social channels. View a quick comparison of all Facebook pages and how they're performing against other SumAll users, and receive email digests of the accounts y'all choose in daily or weekly form. Information technology'southward lite on the latitude and depth of social analytics it offers, but what it does, it does well, specially for the cost. Cost: free until they're done creating it, and then pricing will probable boot in

six. Union METRICS (formerly TweetReach)

Union Metrics Social Media Analytics More than than just a quick snapshot of your reach on Twitter (from its TweetReach days), Spousal relationship Metrics offers lots more than! Information technology monitors all the topics and profiles important to y'all on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to help amend your social media strategy and execution across social media. Toll: Free, with upgrades starting at $49/month


Vizia With video content thriving, the option to capitalize on video content – for free – is a great one. Vizia uses web and social analytics tools like questions, polls, and multi-choice quizzes to encourage active participation from your fans, and then y'all can ameliorate your content based on their feedback. Hands embed and share videos, capture leads, and increase virality using Vizia. It'southward a lot of piece of work for niggling information though and would do all-time partnered with a social media sentiment analysis tool for benchmarking and moving the correct ideas forward. Price: Free


Wiselytics Facebook Analytics Wiselytics is some other social analytics tool that'south currently focused on Facebook analytics – with Twitter analytics in beta. Central metrics you can track include reach, engagement, interactions and virality, with attending to which social media posts reached the nigh fans or had the nigh visibility. You can also easily spot unusual spikes in engagement, including negative feedback. Competitor analysis is as well part of the bargain, with "statistical fairness" for benchmarking larger competitors. Finally, get ROI of community management efforts to evidence growth to higher-ups. Price: Costless; reach out for enterprise and agency pricing Want a chip more "oomph?" Then these 7 Costless Trials of Social Media Analytics Tools may exist correct up your aisle . . .


Buffer publish analyze and promote options Buffer has three different platforms available in one – publish, answer and analyze. And it has different pricing structures for each.

  • Publish helps you build your audience and grow your make on social
  • Reply helps brands provide amazing client service on social
  • And Clarify offers analytics around brands' efforts

Price: Starts at $10/calendar month; $99/month and up for Buffer for Business organisation


Iconosquare for stories Iconosquare is Instagram and Facebook focused – which is great if those are your only channels and the only social media analytics you're interested in. You tin become a free audit of your Instagram or Facebook business relationship from them. This tells you whether your account is optimized, and if non, what's missing. The paid social marketing analytics tool offers more: Track social media and analytics metrics like follower evolution, average appointment charge per unit per mail, and accomplish and impressions history to tweak content. Compare confronting benchmarks of 100 industries for competitor analysis of follower growth, engagement and accomplish. See Instagram Stories insights achieve and impressions, completion rate by story type, and best time to post Stories. Boosted features like community analytics, profile activity, competitor tracking, and hashtag tracking are on offer. Sentiment metrics would better their offerings, then y'all'd understand thewhy behind the insights. Price: Free Facebook and Instagram audits; Total social analytics tool starts at $29/month, billed annually


PromoRepublic content and workflow optimization

Offering content and workflow optimization, and in add-on to posting and advertizement functions, PromoRepublic also offers social monitoring. This is something all brands demand when information technology comes to web and social media analytics agreement. Become live updates from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; track mentions separately to identify and appoint with authors of value; discover and join conversations; run into insights for all three social networks in one place; and run across and resolve customer bug chop-chop. All good stuff, particularly real-time quickness – merely there'due south no sentiment assay to tell y'all where to focus your energy first. Besides no help if you use other channels, and so information technology falls curt on the spider web analytics aspect. Toll: Gratis trial, then social monitoring starts at $49/month


Social report social analytics dashboard Social Report lets you lot track a fairly wide choice of social media channels, forth with business organisation reviews, website functioning, and blogs. Track your own, or track other brand profiles, for web and social media competitor analysis. The dashboard offers reports, notifications, engagement options, and easy downloading and exporting of information at whatever fourth dimension. You can very speedily and easily compare social insights against your business activities/performance, search and track keywords, schedule posts, identify valuable hashtags, influencers, and more. No sentiment analysis that nosotros can see, but that seems to be a theme. Robust web and social media analytics offerings combined are rare in many tools, as is the ability to understand the sentiment backside these analytics – which is really the virtually powerful online intel bachelor to a brand. Price: 30-day free trial, then starts at $49 monthly


Snaplytics social analytics tool If Stories are your jam – and they should be as they're a powerful way to connect with consumers, for sure – then Snaplytics is a great web and social analytics tool. Create and distribute engaging stories, measure impact, and deliver insights on Snapchat and Instagram. You can also mail service from multiple accounts with auto-forwarding, repost follower content, and respond and communicate with your audience through the Snaplytics platform. Great for identifying best performing social media content, branded hashtag performance, how new followers find you lot, and performance against competitors. Toll: Free 2-week trial, so contact Snaplytics for upgrade details


True social metrics social media analytics Truthful Social Metrics has a lot of data on offering – fifty-fifty if you don't quite know where information technology's coming from or how they're calculating it (you need to know these things, FYI – they're primal to understanding social analytics). Clarify your overall account performance, including your best/worst posts, content analytics, audience analytics, and competitive analysis to sympathize what's working and what's not for your own make and competitors across a decent range of social channels. Over again, yous won't know why, as there'southward no sentiment information – and so this leaves you with a lot of trial and error work ahead of you. That's a dangerous, uninformed game to play. Price: 30-twenty-four hour period free trial, so starts at $30/calendar month


Zoho social media analytics tool

Use this social media analytics tool to monitor posts, letters, connections, and mentions beyond Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Zoho Social helps agencies connect each channel to multiple brands, for those managing multiple clients. Invite team members and collaborate all in the same identify. It'south bare bones, but easy to navigate. Agreement the "why" behind the "what" is where it falls curt. Pair information technology with a sentiment analysis tool and this social analytics options could take you places. Price: Starts at $10/calendar month billed annually, up to $300/month billed annually for agencies


This listing is proof that there are numerous options for tracking consumer attitudes, opinions, sentiment and behaviors online, with the best among them offering both web and social media analytics options. Y'all take to track all of that and more to stay ahead of savvy competitors – and so having the right analytics tools, capable of providing existent-time actionable insight is a must. Which platform is the right one? That'south upwardly to you. In that location'south something to be said for the idea that you get what you lot pay for . . . and sometimes you get a lot more. You lot can get by – at to the lowest degree for a fourth dimension – with something completely free. But after a while, y'all'll likely need state-of-the-art Next Generation AI-powered analytics tools to truly compete. Each of the platforms listed here offers a portion of what'southward needed to gain a dimensional picture of your audition – but few of them "have information technology all." In those cases, what you save in cost might exist lost in efforts to cobble together insights from multiple sources. The time saved on such efforts makes the investment in a program that does it all well worth it. Non to mention, cobbled insights offer less than authentic results, and accept much longer than the snazzy all-in-i tools your competitors may be using! But if you're non in that location yet, applying some type of social media analytics tool to your procedure is a pace in the right direction for all forward-thinking brands – and any of the above would be a good place to start. Fix for a social listening platform that has it all, and is committed to evolving as trends change? Reach out  to schedule a demo today!

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