Sahara desertWhether it's the Sahara in Africa, the Gobi in Red china, or another world-famous desert, yous realize just how big the world is when you're standing in the heart of a desert surrounded by miles and miles of open land.

The opportunity to expedition to a desert, for most people, is a in one case-in-a-lifetime opportunity. While you may get caught up in the excitement of traveling to such an awe-inspiring sight, there are some things you demand to do ahead of time to brand sure you're prepared and stay healthy during your trip. Remember – this is a desolate, arid place, and it tin can be dangerous.

What you need to programme
Earlier yous head out into a desert, y'all must plan well showtime – know where you are going, who you are going with and when you programme to return. This is information you lot need to share with someone who is staying backside.

You should never go into a desert solitary. Having at least one other person with you increases the gamble of survival in case anything happens.

It can be easy to get lost in a desert, which is why it's and so important to bring maps, a compass and a GPS with you.

Make certain you spotter the conditions forecast before too – sometimes conditions can alter suddenly in a desert and you'll desire to be prepared for that.

What to bring
You already know to bring a companion, maps and a GPS, but that's not all you demand. It'southward critical that you have access to h2o in a desert surroundings. You should always carry extra water with you and it's recommended that you drink at least one gallon of water per day, especially in the summer season.

Information technology'southward too important to bring some food with y'all – information technology non only boosts your energy, but also your morale. Pack emergency food, similar energy confined or granola, just in case.

What to wearable
Deserts are notorious for their farthermost temperatures – high heat during the day and cold temps at night. This means there is a loftier take chances for oestrus stroke and hypothermia. Information technology's important to protect yourself with a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen for the sun. And bring an extra jacket in case you're out in the desert later nighttime when the temperature can plummet.

When to go
This is when you should likewise factor in the highs and lows of desert temperatures. If yous desire to walk or hike in the desert, you should plan to do and then before 10 a.thousand. or afterwards four p.m. – any time in betwixt is going to be dangerously hot. When yous're walking or hiking, exist sure to proceed a slow, steady pace and take regular breaks. But don't sit down on the basis – information technology's hot!

You should besides be aware of flash floods. If yous travel to a desert in the summer, information technology can be very hot with sudden rain storms and flash floods. If you lot're out in a desert and meet lightening or whatever other signs of a storm, seek shelter.

Sentry where yous walk
Nearly desert creatures are nocturnal, so you lot might non see any. But, some deserts are home to venomous snakes, spiders and scorpions. To avoid getting bitten, be careful and watch where y'all walk, where you put your hands and where yous sit. If you do happen to get bitten, seek medical attention immediately.

Traveling to a desert can be the trip of a lifetime. Only brand sure that you plan ahead and practise caution every stride of the way.

Photograph from Maps of