Is It Safe to Wear Expensive Watches Traveling

Deciding what to pack for a trip can be stressful, requiring some difficult choices. Only one particular that doesn't even make most packing lists because it'due south commonly an automated inclusion is your watch.

Maybe you should take a few of ticks of that beautiful dial to consider the pros and cons of travelling with an expensive timepiece. It tin can be a petty more complicated than you imagine.

The key pillar of the argument against wearing that special watch when y'all jet off overseas is but that there's one more than thing to lose. That'due south true of whatever sentinel, of class, but compounded if it cost y'all a lot of coin or has special significance beyond toll alone.

When caution counts

Here's an immutable fact: luxury watches are highly portable and easy to sell. This means they're an enticing target for the less scrupulous elements of society.

This Richard Mille is a look, but maybe think twice about traipsing around the world in it.

This Richard Mille is a wait, but maybe think twice about traipsing around the globe in it.

Add to this that your travels might accept you to parts of the earth where you don't speak the language or know the lay of the land, and you've a compelling statement in favour of leaving the Rolex at habitation.

After all, if things go south, losing your watch is pretty much a all-time-case scenario. Even if theft isn't a concern for you, accidents happen. And when they do, it'll ofttimes be in the most inconvenient and/or far-flung location.

There's ane obvious solution: don't habiliment a lookout when you travel. Information technology as well takes a lot of the enjoyment out of owning some special timepieces, more and so if you like to change your wristwear to suit the occasion, such as having a daily 'work watch' and a sharper apparel watch.

And then if that's not an option you lot'd contemplate, there are things yous can practice to minimise your risk.

The Longines Conquest V.H.P. GMT is made with travel in mind.

The Longines Conquest Five.H.P. GMT is fabricated with travel in mind.

You could habiliment a different watch, something less precious and easily replaceable. Maybe something rock-solid and ubiquitous like a Casio Grand-Shock or a Seiko diver. Or a smartwatch.

Yes, the daily recharge requirements can exist frustrating, these tech-packed timepieces do offer undeniable travel advantages. One picket that neatly bridges this gap – offering some of the utility of a connected device with the robustness of a regular picket in a relatively unassuming bundle – is the Longines Conquest Five.H.P. GMT ($2,325 on a rubber strap).

Alternately, if you do detect yourself of a sudden aware that a golden sentinel might not accept been the right play, y'all can always be a bit more than unimposing. Make sure the watch is under your shirt sleeve, pop your paw in your pocket, avoid flashing it effectually, or leave information technology in the hotel prophylactic – commonsense stuff.

Why y'all should wear a watch when you travel

While I've just outlined why travelling with a lookout man (specially an expensive one) is a Bad Idea, in that location are a few points in favour. Beginning of all – watches are plain useful. They tell the fourth dimension which, if y'all've ever experienced the hell of truly existential jet lag, isn't something to take lightly.

And yes, y'all probable have a phone in your pocket, but in a earth of data roaming charges and chop-chop draining batteries, I tend to be a lot more judicious when it comes to whipping the telephone out.

The functionality argument extends a bit farther, too – if your lookout man does annihilation else, like tell the time in two places at once, it moves up the ranking from 'handy' to 'essential'.

For many people, watches are emotional objects – something carried with us on life's journey.

For many people, watches are emotional objects – something carried with the states on life's journey.

The other pro of travelling with a watch – particularly if information technology's a nice 1 that you're quite fastened to – is that, well, why shouldn't you? Hither's a cardinalMarie Kondo-style rule: if you like information technology and it makes you happy, article of clothing it.

For lots of people, watches are emotional objects: something carried with us on life'due south journeying. And a watch that stays tucked up safely at habitation won't accept many stories to tell. But ane that proudly bears the marks of a life well-lived (like that scratch from when you banged it into a bar in Barcelona) has a amuse all of its own.

What to exercise near it

If y'all're sure that you want your picket as a travel companion, make sure it's upward to the task.

Planning a beach-heavy trip? Check your lookout man has the water resistance to handle the waves. Even if information technology does, information technology might exist worth checking that the seals and gaskets are up to scratch: any competent sentry repair place should hands and painlessly be able to do this for you.

Going somewhere tropical? Leave the leather band at home (trust us when we say no 1 wants a mildewed lookout strap).

Grooming is the key to success, so check your travel insurance. Usually standard policies accept caps for watches and jewellery. Make sure your pride-and-joy is covered and if you're super prepared, take a photo of the sentinel and make a note of the model and/or serial number, and store it in the Cloud.

Knowing that your precious sentry is well-protected will ease your mind and assist you bask your trip.Is a watch an essential part of your travel kit? If and so, what do you vesture, and why? Let me know in the comments below.

Felix Scholz

Felix Scholz is Executive Traveller's watch editor, and one of Australia's most respected regime on the subject. As you might await, he travels to Switzerland quite a lot.

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